Ok folks, now is your chance to get involved with what could be the biggest thing to happen to cycling in Calgary since the decision to build the pathway network all those decades ago. Calgary City Council will be presented with a new cycling strategy that aims (we hope) to make the roads safer to cycle on, make finding your way around the city easier, and help establish cycling as a legitimate transportation option in our car-crazed metropolis. More info can be found in a previous post here.
All the information you need is below - so read on - and please take a few minutes toget involved any way you can.
Watch for the release of the City of Calgary’s new Comprehensive Cycling Strategy. It will be available for public review starting on Friday, June 10th and will go to the City’s Standing Committee on Land Use, Planning and Transportation for public comment on Wednesday, June 15th. CivicCamp will be holding the following workshops.
CivicCamp Public Information Sessions and Workshops - 7:00 pm, Monday, June 13th
There are four locations where you can participate:
- Room 342, Earth Sciences Building, University of Calgary
- Rosscarrock Community Hall, 4411 10 Ave SW
- Old YMCA, 223 12 Ave SW
- Forest Lawn Library, 4807 8 Avenue SE
CivicCamp will be holding public meetings for those interested in the City’s new comprehensive cycling strategy. Learn more about the strategy and offer your feedback about what does or doesn’t work for you.
CivicCampers and cycling enthusiasts will be on hand to walk you through the strategy, answer your questions (where we can) and guide a discussion to solicit your input. Information will be collected from the meetings and brought forward to the Standing Committee on Land Use, Planning and Transportation.
For more information, please visit http://www.civiccamp.org/paving-the-way/
If you want to comment directly and publicly to Council members about the strategy, please plan to attend the Special Planning Committee on Land Use, Planning and Transportation.
Standing Policy Committee on Land Use, Planning and Transportation
9:30 am, Wednesday, June 15th
Location and Agenda to be Announced
Check this link on the City web site for the agenda and the location. Appearing in person before the LPT committee makes a powerful statement but if you can’t attend, be sure to write/email/tweet your Alderman beforehand to give your feedback.